Becki Williams Photography

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How To Have a Perfect At Home Family Staycation

Your holiday abroad has been cancelled (thanks a bunch COVID19) and you’re left with week booked off of work with no plans.

May as well cancel it, right?

Hold your horses - maybe not! Many families are embracing a 2020 At Home Family Staycation.

Ok, I know what you’re thinking. Staying at home won’t feel like a holiday will it? Actually - it really can. Have a read though the ideas below and have a fun and relaxing few days at home with your family.

Preparing for your At Home Family Staycation

  1. Tell your family you are on holiday. No calls unless it’s an emergency, no popping round unexpected, no interruptions and no expectations. This goes for your emails too - get your out of office on pronto and maybe even consider unplugging the home phone and banning the computer.

  2. Limit screen time. I know this can be hard when you’re in your home surrounded by tech, but try your best to keep your eyes off your phone screen and on your children. A little bit of calm tablet time and a family movie night is of course absolutely fine (and sometimes very necessary)
    If you’re brave enough, consider deleting social media apps from your phone for the week.

  3. This break is about you as well as your children. Use your phone free evenings when your little ones are asleep to relax. Read a book, watch a film or do another activity you never find time to do.

  4. Plan your week in advance but be prepared for things to change. One of the great things about being at home is that you have complete flexibility over your schedule.

  5. Keep meals simple for both you and the kids. Less washing up, less complaining and less tidying. Go on, treat yourself to a few take aways!

  6. Get in some of their favourite foods. Just like you might have on holiday, buy some extra ice cream or special drinks they would only usually have while you’re away.

  7. Plan day trips - but not too many! You’ll want quiet days at home as well as busy days outdoors. Look out for deals online and be aware that you may have to book more things in advance than usual due to social distancing.

  8. Be prepared to be a bit more relaxed with your routine - you’re on holiday after all!

  9. If you have any holiday traditions it’s a great idea to include them.

  10. Take lots of photos just like you would on a normal holiday.

  11. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Your kids will appreciate spending the extra time with you no matter what you end up doing.

Staycation Activity Ideas

Now you’ve got an idea of how to prep for your amazing family staycation, here are a few ideas to keep you and your little ones busy.

In The Garden

Go camping in the garden
Picnic (either in the garden or on the floor indoors)
Garden games
Water games
Obstacle course
Sports Day with different events


The forgotten board games at the back of the cupboard
Mark a blanket fort and sleep in it together (it’s also a great place for them to retreat to when things get rowdy)
Have a movie night with popcorn, snacks. Make the room dark. You can even get them to make movie tickets.
Do some family art - yes, you join in as well.
Dance Party
Science experiment
Scavenger hunt
Pyjama day

Day Trips

Be a tourist in your own city. I bet there are loads of local attractions you’ve never been to.
Bike Ride
Have a photo shoot
Amusement Park
Random Acts of Kindness
Stay in a hotel for a night (this one cheats on the whole ‘at home’ part a little)
Strawberry Picking
Kids choice day - you can always give them a list of options if you’re scared of what they will pick!

I really hope that this has helped you realise that having a fun, relaxing At Home Staycation really is possible.
Your kids will love spending time with you no matter what you choose so don’t put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy making lots of lovely memories together.

See this gallery in the original post