Becki Williams Photography

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My 2020 New Years Resolutions

Can you believe it? Here we are again.

It’s not only time to start a new year, but a new decade and it’s also time to make some new years resolutions.

I feel like I always need to start my New Years Resolution blogs with a disclaimer.

I completely understand that New Years Resolutions aren’t for everyone, but I love them. I love goals, I love lists and I love setting myself little challenges.
Some of these resolutions are carrying on from last year, some I’m only part way through and others I may have ‘failed’ and want to try again.

So here are 2020’s New Years Resolutions…

1. Listen to more music

I got my Spotify Year In Review recently and the amount of music I listened to in 2019 has more than halved. I love music. I have quite varied tastes depending on my mood and whatever mood that is, music really has the power to effect it.
No doubt at the end of 2020 Spotify will be emailing me again with my stats for the year so my aim is to raise the amount of hours by a quarter.

(If you’re interested, my most listened to songs from 2019 were The Greatest Showman soundtrack and Freya Ridings)

2. Listen to More Podcasts

I find there are very few places I can actually listen to podcasts. I’m not very good at concentrating on two things at once, which counts out driving and exercising, which is where I feel most people listen to them.
What they are perfect for is when I’m washing up (without a dishwasher that feels like half my life) and doing other housework.
When I do manage to listen, there are some really great ones out there. I love the photography business related ones and also a few about health and fitness.
There’s no solid target for this one but If I listen to more than 5 episodes I’ll have probably done better than this year!

3. Read More (but only just)

I set myself the target of reading 10 books last year and I smashed it with a grand total of 19.
I read somewhere recently that someone increases their target by one book each year so that’s exactly what I’m going to do. In 2020 my goal is to read 20 books - it’s like I planned it all along.
That involves reading books and audio books (another washing up favourite)

4. Improve my fitness

Is it even a New Years Resolution blog post if my fitness isn’t mentioned?
If you’ve read my blog post about how I did with last years resolutions, you’ll know I failed this one in quite an impressive fashion.
So, this year I will try again, I would like to be fitter/healthier/stronger than how I sit here today.
And even if I don’t manage that, I would like to re-ignite the love of exercising I had a couple of years ago.

Have you set yourself resolutions this year? If so, good luck! And don’t put too much pressure on yourself. The fun is in the trying.

See this gallery in the original post