Becki Williams Photography

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Noah's Newborn Photo Shoot | St Albans

I'm not going to lie, when I started out as a posed newborn photographer I was really worried about what would happen if I couldn't get a baby to sleep.
Those curled up posed images only happen when your little ones are in a deep deep sleep and with some babies that's easier said than done.

As time has gone by I have learnt the valuable lesson that actually, parents love the awake photos to. 

Yes the aim is still to get them to sleep but if they don't, no worries, let's capture those gorgeous newborn eyes instead!

That's exactly what happened for the most part during Noah's newborn photo shoot.

When Noah and his family arrived, we started with some simple parent photos.
You do not have to hold a naked baby if you're not interested in playing 'pee roulette'.  Instead we can use a nice neutral blanket (or colourful, it's your choice!) and wrap your little one up nice and snug.

Noah is the type of newborn that enjoyed being wrapped.

I can say that confidently because that was the only time he slept throughout his shoot!

During the planning stages, Noah's parents asked me if we could include an image with a little Yoda teddy.
Knowing this type of thing in advance is really handy because I can have a good think about the best way to use whatever you've chosen. 

In this case I knew I had about three different shades of green wraps to choose from.  When they arrived, I picked the best green and Voila! This gorgeous image was created.

From there, as he was enjoying being wrapped so much, I switched up the colours to a brown and also included a little teddy from my prop box. 

And then I unwrapped him...

At that point, Noah decided that was enough sleeping for one day and he was quite happy being awake from now on. 

As I mentioned earlier, that's not a problem! Using different wraps, backdrops and textures I captured his little personality instead. 

Towards the end of his shoot he lured me into thinking he was drifting off to sleep again but don't worry, he was tricking us all along and was soon his wriggly self again! 

As always, I can't help myself but capture those little details.  I just adore the images of his feet (taken right at the end during those fleeting sleepy moments) and also those gorgeous eyelashes. 

If you're interested in a newborn photo shoot or have any questions then please

Get In Touch!

See this gallery in the original post