Becki Williams Photography

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Why you should go and buy yourself some flowers - right now!

Today, just before the self service tills in Woodhall Farm Sainsburys, I did it.  

I bought myself flowers. 

There is no special occasion or special reason, I just think they are pretty and I think they will bring me joy (Hello Marie Kondo fans)

Even while I was buying them though I felt a bit of guilt.  Spending money on things you don't need can be tough. 

But that soon vanished when the shop assistant spoke to me.  She asked me if I wanted the price taken off the flowers.

I was almost apologetic with my reply when I told her that actually they were for me so it didn't matter.

And her reply?

And that was it - Any guilt I had vanished.  She wasn't judging me so I wouldn't judge myself either.  I let myself enjoy the fact that I had bought myself something that makes my house feel more like a home and my day feel more special. 

I brought them home, used my severely lacking floristry skills to put my flowers in my mismatching vases and put them on my windowsill where they will stay until my dog comes home and I have to move them somewhere higher.

Now I'm not saying you should go and buy the entire contents of your local Mac store or spend thousands in The Little White Company because it makes you happy (unless you can afford it, in which case I insist you include This Cuteness) but do not feel guilty for any moment you give yourself or any little gesture to yourself that makes you happy. 

So by giving that moment to yourself, you are essentially empowering your ability to be good to others - who can argue with that?!

Have you treated yourself recently?  Let me know below!