My 2019 New Years Resolutions

My 2019 New Years Resolutions

I love writing my New Years Resolutions.

I completely understand that they aren’t for everyone, but I love setting myself little goals that I can work towards throughout the year. They’re nothing too difficult (apart from maybe the one where I want to stop my dog barking so much…) and are all things that I want to improve for myself, rather than being things that other people have made me feel like I should do.

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My 2018 New Years Resolutions - How did I do?

My 2018 New Years Resolutions - How did I do?

I know it’s such a cliche thing to say, but it is simply insane that it has been a year since I wrote my 2018 New Years Resolutions.

So how did I do? Well….great in some, ok in a few and not so good in others.

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My 6 New Years Resolutions

My 6 New Years Resolutions

To some people, New Years Resolutions are a waste of time.

Don't get me wrong, I know where they are coming from.  Why do we need a specific date to make big changes in our lives?  Why not make that change today?  Why change anything at all?

But at the same time, I love the feeling of having a 'fresh start'. 

Part of my love of New Years Resolutions comes from my love of setting myself tasks.  There is nothing more satisfying than crossing something you've accomplished off of a list.

My resolutions are nothing groundbreaking - in fact some of them are downright predictable but I'm excited to start working on them already.

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