Newborn Baby Pictures | Amersham

Another day, another opportunity to take some beautiful newborn baby pictures!

This little girl was a fighter to start off with, determined to stay awake!  I got some gorgeous shot of her eyes open and then wrapped her up nice and snuggled in the 'potato sack' wrap (my sleep inducing weapon of choice when it comes to awake newborns!).

Soon she had drifted off to sleep and the super cute posing could begin!

Newborn baby pictures Hemel Hempstead - awake
Newborn baby pictures Hemel Hempstead - wrapped awake
Newborn baby pictures Hemel Hempstead - asleep

Tummy pose is my absolute favourite!  Not only do all babies look super comfy and peaceful in this pose, it's also the best pose for hats and headbands. 

This newborn hat came in a set of 2 for twins but I love using them separately for both boys and girls.  If you don't like the heart I just turn it out and suddenly it's a plain hat :p

Newborn baby pictures Hemel Hempstead - hat

From her tummy I moved her more onto her side and added a little dainty headband.  I LOVE this headband but it's started to fall apart since (probably because I use it so much!) so I'm definitely going to be replacing it.

Newborn baby pictures Hemel Hempstead - headband

Next it was time for fluff.  She curled up so effortlessly and was definitely super comfy.

Newborn baby pictures Hemel Hempstead black and white
Newborn baby pictures Hemel Hempstead - cute, fur

When mum mentioned she wanted a photo of their little one and their hands, my head went straight to this classic shot.  It was the first time I had tried it and I was really excited.  We put dad's hand on the left and mum's on the right and I think it came out really well.

Newborn baby pictures Hemel Hempstead - black and white in parents hands


**May 2016 Update**

I recently ordered new product samples and ordered the above photo in a Fine Art Float Frame.  Look how gorgeous it looks in this black frame - definitely a favourite picture of mine!

Newborn baby pictures Amersham


Have a question or want to enquire about booking a session?  Please...


Newborn Photographer | St Albans | Bailey

I seem to be photographing a few star newborns recently and little Bailey definitely fell into that category!  She's a tiny little bundle of cuteness and comes from a seriously well travelled family!  Starting off on the beanbag, onto her tummy she went and out came the headbands and wraps (yay for girls and headbands!)

Newborn Photographer St Albans - pink headband
Newborn Photographer St Albans - floral headband
Newborn Photographer St Albans - green lace
Newborn Photographer St Albans - lips

Next it was time for fur and to get snuggled in the posing bowl (which just so happened took amazing on their living room floor!)

Newborn Photographer St Albans - feet
Newborn Photographer St Albans - fur, bowl
Newborn Photographer St Albans - fluff, blow

Mum wanted a few pictures of her and her new arrival together so they sat together on the sofa for some cuddles.  To me, parent shots are less about capturing all of the details that the posed photos show and more about capturing that moment in time. 

Newborn Photographer St Albans - mummy
Newborn Photographer St Albans - mum & baby

Getting pictures of Bailey and her canine protector was a little more difficult as I'm not 100% sure he approved of the new arrival quite yet!  Luckily, while eating a snack earlier in the session, I discovered his love for carrots.  A little doggy bribery later and he started to realise she wasn't so bad after all :)

Newborn Photographer St Albans - dog

I can't wait to go back and see them all again when she's sitting for her next session.


Do you have a questions or are you thinking about booking?


Newborn Photo Shoot | Hemel Hempstead | Teddy

Teddy had his newborn photo shoot a few weeks ago and he really was a little star!  Beautifully sleepy and easy to pose, he let me seamlessly move him from possition to position with minimal fuss. 

Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - Blue
Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - lips
Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - hand

To start with I moved him through all of the side and tummy poses using a variety of blankets and backdrops and of course capturing all of those tiny details - lips, hands, eyelashes and toes.

After that we moved to the fluff, which was where he really felt at home!  He curled up so beautifully, specially when snuggled in the blue wrap.  Just look at those little toes right up by his face!  (My little cuddly dog of course made another appearance :p)

Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - fur, dog
Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - Fur, blue
Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - toes
Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - white blanket

I LOVE the image below.  It's not only my favourite from his newborn photo shoot but it is very high up on my favourite images of all time :)

Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - fur


Have a questions or want to enquire about booking a newborn photo shoot?  Please....


A Newborn Photo Shoot - Elizabeth

At the start of Elizabeth's newborn photo shoot she was very determined to be awake!  I captured some beautiful shots of her staring right into the camera before she decided to drift off to sleep. 

Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - Awake

I love this new green lace!  Another naughty purchase from the trade show I was at a few weeks ago.  Just look at that edging <3

Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - Green Lace

Of course no newborn photo shoot can go past without me trying to capture every little detail.

Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - Black and White Foot
Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - Black and White Ear
Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - Black and White Hand
Newborn Photo Shoot Hemel Hempstead - Black and White Rolls

If you'd like me to capture your new arrivals every little detail or have any questions about a shoot with me, please Get In Touch


A Prop Filled Newborn Photo Shoot

Although I love simple posed newborn photos, every now and then props just work so beautifully on a shoot. 
Looking back through Freddy's newborn shoot I realised we got a good few props in there!

We used his little teddy as a pillow and dad wanted a close up him with Thor's hammer.  I'm guessing someone is an Avengers fan!

Newborn Baby Photography St Albans
Newborn Baby Photography St Albans

I bought this romper at a photography trade show a few weeks ago and I absolutely LOVE IT!  It goes so well with my grey fur blanket.  (just look at those beautiful lips in the close up!)

Newborn baby photography st albans
Newborn Photography St Albans

Now to the posing bowl - another new favourite purchased from the photography trade show, along with the cream fur.
It's the perfect size for those curled up shots and all the babies that have used it so far have slept like...well...babies!

(ba dum tsh!)

Combined with a couple more of his teddies and a pop of colour from the blue knitted trouser, these are definitely a couple of my favourites from the whole shoot.

Newborn baby photography St Albans
Newborn baby photography St Albans

Who doesn't love a hat!?  Specially these two, made by my very talented sister.  Some props come and go but these two have been in my prop basket since the beginning!

Newborn baby photo shoot St Albans
Newborn photo shoot St Albans

It's SO important to me that I choose props and accessories that you will love.  You should have seen how many times I walked between the two newborn stalls at the trade show trying to choose what would fit the rest of my collection (I got quite a few looks and even some comments!)

If you're a prop lover, or a lover of simplicity (or you love both, like me!) and are interested in a posed newborn shoot, Get In Touch for some more information.

Newborn Photo Shoot: Amelia

Newborn Photography - Amelia
Maternity Photography

I met Amelia's mummy and daddy a few weeks ago when they had a Bump Shoot in their house in Aylesbury.

There was still a lot of discussion over names at that time so I was very excited when I received an email letting me know that baby Amelia had arrived. 

I headed up there a few days after she was born and set up in their front room in front of their large patio doors. 

I used nice simple pale blankets for this shoot with a few pops of colour from headbands and wraps, including some family heirlooms. 

By the end of the shoot she was in a nice deep sleep and we got some lovely sleepy poses and a couple in a dress picked out by her daddy. 

If you're interested in booking a newborn shoot or have any questions please Get In Touch

Newborn Photo Shoot: Sonny

Sonny Newborn Photo Shoot


This was another one of those lovely occasions where I got to photograph a friends new little arrival.

Mathew grew up on the same street as my family and is a life long friend of my brother. 

I was VERY excited to hear of Sonny's arrival and headed over to their house in Hemel Hempstead a few days later for his newborn photo shoot.

I set my beanbag and backdrops up in their front room while Sonny had a little feed. 

He had just started to get settled when the health visiter arrived to do the heel prick test!  He was very brave and hardly let out a whimper despite them struggling to get his circulation to co-operate.

I started the shoot with him on one of my newer blue fleeces.  I absolutely love the colour of the lighter blue blanket.   I then switched to a cream blanket and got some photos with a blanket that his daddy used when he was a baby. 

By this time Sonny had settled into a nice deep sleep so it was time for some tummy poses.  I used a couple of cute hats and a lovely blue blanket before getting a few shots in my little white basket, which he could only just fit in!  

Sonny was so well behaved throughout the shoot and his mummy and I are already planning play dates in Gadebridge Park when we get our new puppy.

If you're interested in a newborn shoot or have any questions please Get In Touch.


Newborn Photo Shoot : Bethany

Newborn Family Photo Shoot

I was pleasantly surprised when Bethany's mummy got in contact to let me know she had arrived a day early (yay) as most of my newborns have been keeping their mummy's waiting recently!  We kept the pencilled shoot date the same and her and her little entourage came to my house for the shoot. 

When I do newborn shoots at my house I have a little rearrange of the dining area and set up by my patio doors.  Although I take a lot (A LOT) to my newborn shoots, being at home means I have all of my props and accessories to hand. 

To start with I took some photos of Bethany in a little basket on a wooden background.  She was very much awake (as apparently she had been all night...) but was happy to sit snuggled up.

We tried continuously throughout the shoot to get her to sleep but she was quite determined to stay awake for as long as possible.  

We took lots of breaks and had lots of feeds to keep her contented while I got some shots on the blanket backdrops.

When it was time for family photos, she finally fell into a deep sleep and was happy to be snuggled up in everyone’s arms. 

If you think you're interested in a newborn photo shoot, why not check out some of my other work in my Newborn Gallery or if you have any questions please Get In Touch


Newborn photo shoot: Olivia


Olivia's mum and dad were my final outdoor bump shoot of last year.  We braved the November weather and were treated to some beautiful low winter sun and late autumn colours at Stanborough Park. 

A few weeks later I got to go back for the second part of their Bump & Newborn package, this time tucked up nice and warm at their house. 

I set up in their spare room, which had lovely large windows that let in lots of light.  The sun was a little strong at times but there are always little tricks to be done - in this case I hung some lace over the window, which softened it nicely. 

We started with her in a little pink dress that her mum had picked out and then moved on to some baby grow and nappy shots. 

Although she was awake for most of the shoot, she was very calm which meant she was perfect to wrap.  I used a white cheesecloth wrap, which is nice and simple but still has a lovely texture to it. 

I took the obligatory feet shot (who doesn't love baby feet!) and then as she drifted off to sleep I used a family heirloom blanket to get her nice and snuggled. 

Olivia is a gorgeous little girl and I hope I get to go back and photograph her again as she grows :)

Newborn photo shoot : Lucas


Remember my old friends bump shoot from a couple of months ago?  You know, the incredibly cute one with the little boy holding his tummy to his mummy's baby bump?

Well just after Christmas I got to go and welcome baby Lucas into the world!  

My sat nav is apparently not such a fan of Milton Keynes (or I'm starting to think directing as a whole) because I must have done about 3 laps of the midlands before I got there. 

As soon as I walked in the door I was treated to some lovely cuddles and then it was time to work!

I set up my beanbag & blankets in their kitchen because their patio doors gave me the best light. 

Newborn shoots usually take play within the first 5 - 10 days after a baby is born while they are still super sleepy and foldable.  Every now and then a baby may have to stay in hospital for a bit longer or life just gets a bit hectic for the family (in this case Christmas!) and the shoot is pushed back a little. 

Lucas was about 3 weeks old when I did his shoot, which meant he was past the newborn sleepy & foldable stage and was a bit more aware of his surroundings.  All this means is that I approach the shoot a little differently, taking more relaxed rather than posed photos. 

I started with him fully dressed and then slowly stripped him down adding hats and blankets along the way to get a variety of shots.   I then took some photos with his proud big brother Jack and some family shots to finish shoot.

Hopefully I'll get to go back and take some more photos of Lucas as he grows when I go and visit his mummy and daddy in the future :)

Newborn Photo Shoot : Olivia


Meet Olivia, my cousins little girl and the newest member to our extending family!

I was lucky enough to meet her before a lot of my family (muahaha) when I went round to do her newborn shoot a few days after she was born.

Her mummy had asked my sister, who owns Rosie Jo Crochet on Etsy, if she would make Olivia a caterpillar outfit for the shoot and then asked me if I would photograph her in it.   

It's a hard job but someone's got to do it!

Olivia slept beautifully through most of the shoot, only waking a few times to be fed and changed, which meant I got to use a lot of different hats and accessories to give her mummy and daddy lots of different shots to choose from. 

I imagine you'll be seeing more of Olivia in the future as we are already planning the butterfly shot that will follow on from the caterpillar!