Eliana's Newborn Photo Shoot | Hemel Hempstead

Eliana's Newborn Photo Shoot | Hemel Hempstead

Eliana came for her newborn photo shoot when she was 7 days old.

Her mummy knew she was having a c-section so we were actually able to book her shoot in on a certain day and keep it there, which doesn't happen very often when you're working with unpredictable newborns!

With a full tummy and toasty warm room, my run of perfectly sleepy babies continued as she slept from beginning to end without any fuss.

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Hayward Family Photo Shoot | Leighton Buzzard

Hayward Family Photo Shoot | Leighton Buzzard

I first met the Hayward family back in 2015 when their son Harry was born.  They had a relaxed photo shoot in their home, which included a few studio style photos with Harry and then some relaxed family images. 

I was VERY excited to hear when Harry's little sister had arrived and we arranged to do a similar style shoot.

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The Baby & Newborn Photography Association - Who they are and why I joined

The Baby & Newborn Photography Association - Who they are and why I joined

As a newborn and baby photographer, I have to take the safety of my little clients very seriously.  It might surprise you to know that the newborn photography industry is completely unregulated.  Photographers like me, who take safety seriously, have to take it upon ourselves to be trained and educated on how to ensure the beautiful images we create, are done safely.

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14 Must Haves when baby proofing your home!

14 Must Haves when baby proofing your home!

Ah, that special moment after weeks of encouragement when your little one starts to move around the house by themselves - a little uncoordinated and cute at first but then suddenly, those arms and legs are propelling them at the speed of light.

It is soon after this joy and love for their accomplishment that you realise just how many pointy edges and slammable doors there are around the house. 

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Newborn Photography | Hemel Hempstead | Albie

Newborn Photography | Hemel Hempstead | Albie

Albie was the perfect little model at his newborn photo shoot a couple of weeks ago.  He slept from the get go and pretty much stayed that way the entire shoot!

To start things off I used a lovely cream fluffy blanket.  You'll have to trust me on this but it is SO soft!  No wonder babies sleep so well on it.
I laid him down and got some natural photos while he got comfy and then when he was in a nice deep sleep I wrapped him up in a dark grey wrap. 

Also, check out the amazing mohican!

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Baby Photography | Luton | The Adventures of Isla

Baby Photography | Luton | The Adventures of Isla

April 2017 - The Adventure

Life as a 1 year old is one big adventure.  Every door must be opened, every stair climbed and every raised surface fallen off of.   It's a time of constant curiosity. 

It is also a time of throwing routine out the window whenever you fancy it, which is what happened in Isla's case.  

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Baby Photographer | High Wycombe | Abby & Family

Baby Photographer | High Wycombe | Abby & Family

Abby's family were bought a gift voucher for three sessions, which they decided to use at 4 months, 8 months & 1 year.
Time has flown by, as it has a habit of doing, and a few weeks ago I completed Abby's last session.

For this session, Abby's family decided to turn it into a family photo shoot, including her mum, dad and two big sisters. 

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Baby Pictures | Hemel Hempstead | Thomas

I first met Thomas and his family in April when I did his newborn session at their house in Hemel Hempstead when he was just a few days old.  
As usual, time has gone ridiculously fast and a couple of weeks ago I headed back to photograph his next milestone session. 

Newborn pictures hemel hempstead - asleep newborn boy cuddles his teddy

When I first walked into their house it was great to see a large framed print of the above image hanging in their dining room.  They also have smaller prints dotted around the house, in their bedroom and his nursery.  Much better than a USB stuck inside a drawer!

When ever I send emails to my clients letting them know what to expect from their session I also express my love for vests and nakedness! 
There's nothing quite like the podge of a 6 month old and I dare you not to smile at that little naked bottom!!!

baby pictures - 6 month old photography - laying on bed

We got some really lovely family images at their last session so it was important to me to make sure I captured some more now that Thomas has grown up a little. 
I love a relaxed look to these photos so I encourage cuddles and playtime while I wander around and capture the smiles. 

BABY PICTURES - lifestyle family photography on bed

He may have only just been mastering the art of sitting but he certainly looks like he's got in down in this image! 
I love that you can a picture of him as a newborn with his mum and dad in the background. 

BABY PICTURES - 6 month old happily sits in his cot

Sessions with babies around 6 - 8 months are really just TONS of fun! 

I encourage singing, dancing and just pure silliness to help get those beautiful natural grins.  And no, you don't have to be self conscious because I will be singing and dancing right there with you!

If you have any questions or are interested in me

taking your babies pictures then please...


Baby Pictures | St Albans | Harry

I'm photographing so many milestone sessions lately that it's scary.

It only feels like I was photographing them as newborns 5 minutes ago, but here they are, smiling, sitting, standing, and full of personality. 

Harry's mum Liz got in touch earlier this year whilst pregnant with Harry.  Without knowing it, her brother had seen she'd liked my Facebook Page and contacted me to buy her a gift voucher. 
It worked out pretty perfectly!

I went and met the gorgeous Harry in March and took some photos of his chunky newborn rolls!

Now, 8 months later, it was time for my next visit.

These images are the perfect example of why baby pictures are so important.  Just look at the difference 8 months makes!  Using teddies like this is the perfect way to show how fast he's grown.

Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry as a newborn with his teddies
8 month old Harry in his cot with his teddies - St. Albans

When I take photos around peoples houses, I love to think of the children looking back in 10 years and their parents telling them stories about things in the images. 
Maybe the monkey mural was a huge pain to put on the wall, the bunting was made by a family member, the teddies he loved to play with.  I love to think that my images will be full of memories for them. 

Baby pictures-8 month old-Harry-Cot-Bunting

Ah, back to my favourite place to photograph babies - a big bed! 
Harry's mum is making a calendar of pictures of him for Christmas so we needed to tick a couple of months off of the list during his session.  First - Halloween. 

Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry on a big bed in a Halloween t-shirt
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry on his tummy on a big bed
Baby pictures - 8 month old - Harry - big bed - halloween
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry - feet - St. Albans

In typical 8 month old style, this little monster did NOT like staying still.  All he needs to do is flash you his dimples and you automatically forgive him though!

Baby pictures - 8 month old - Harry - smiles

To finish off his session we headed out to a local park in St. Albans.
Considering it was October, we completely lucked out with the weather and found ourselves in beautiful sunshine.

At this point we had to try and be more interesting than the tractor that was currently driving around the field (it was tricky!) but we managed to get some fun images with mum as well as some wintery images for his calendar. 

Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry and his mum playing in the park - St. Albans
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry and his mum playing in the park - St. Albans
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry and his mum playing in the park - St. Albans
Baby pictures - 8 month old Harry in the park wearing a blue hat

Harry and his family are always really lovely to work with and I'm already looking forward to heading back to St. Albans for his 1 year session - let's face it, it'll be here before we know it!

If you're interested in having Baby Pictures taken or have any questions, then please...


Baby Photography | Amelia Turns 1

Happy 1st Birthday Amelia!

I first met Amelia's mum and dad for their Maternity Session over a year ago.  The thing I remember most about their Maternity Session was the amount of discussion that went on about what they were going to call her!

I then went back a few weeks later and met baby Amelia (good choice!)

Where better to start than with the little chair that she got for her birthday.  In typical 1 year old fashion that of course means climbing on and nearly falling off of it many times. 


Window light is the most beautiful kind!

The thing I love about the bed photos is the fact that we got Maternity photos in this exact spot.  The perfect way to show how life has changed over the last year. 


These types of colourful wall murals are so popular right now and I absolutely love them.  I LOVE colour in photos, specially with older babies.


I love this photo <3

Gorgeous light coming in from the windows, the way she's looking up at her birthday balloon - love it!  There's just someone about it black and white that I adore. 

Interested in baby photography? Please... 


First shoot of the year! - Sophie

Little did I know when I booked a lifestyle photo shoot for the beginning of the year, that it was going to be with one of the happiest and most personality filled babies that I have EVER photographed!

Everyone meet 9 month old Sophie.

Seeing her personality, I just knew I had to get some photos on her play mat.  The bright colours suited her personality to a T.


I then captured her beautiful smile on a nice simple fluffy rug before heading upstairs and getting some photos on mummy's big bed. 


Apparently Nanny has been teaching her this little trick!!


Finally we headed into her bedroom for some photos in her cot and in front her colourful book shelf. 


This 'lifestyle' approach to photography not only captures her beautiful personality - but also a snapshot of this time in her life - the house she will grow up in, her crib, her toys and books. 

If you're interested in a lifestyle shoot, or would like some more information, please Get In Touch!

Newborn Photo Shoot : Bethany

Newborn Family Photo Shoot

I was pleasantly surprised when Bethany's mummy got in contact to let me know she had arrived a day early (yay) as most of my newborns have been keeping their mummy's waiting recently!  We kept the pencilled shoot date the same and her and her little entourage came to my house for the shoot. 

When I do newborn shoots at my house I have a little rearrange of the dining area and set up by my patio doors.  Although I take a lot (A LOT) to my newborn shoots, being at home means I have all of my props and accessories to hand. 

To start with I took some photos of Bethany in a little basket on a wooden background.  She was very much awake (as apparently she had been all night...) but was happy to sit snuggled up.

We tried continuously throughout the shoot to get her to sleep but she was quite determined to stay awake for as long as possible.  

We took lots of breaks and had lots of feeds to keep her contented while I got some shots on the blanket backdrops.

When it was time for family photos, she finally fell into a deep sleep and was happy to be snuggled up in everyone’s arms. 

If you think you're interested in a newborn photo shoot, why not check out some of my other work in my Newborn Gallery or if you have any questions please Get In Touch


1 Year Old Photo Shoot : Ella


Have I mentioned I love photographing 1 year olds?!  No? Well I do!

1 - 2 hours of acting as silly as you want, being used as a climbing frame, nose stealing, tummy tickling - I love it!

A few weeks ago I went to photograph Ella who had just celebrated her 1st birthday.  She's a smiley cheeky little girl who can crawl like lightening! 

We played pass the rhino & the egg in the living room, bang the toy against the cot in her bedroom, whose that in the mirror in her parents room and did some reading and crawling in between!

A typical day in the life of a 1 year old - but this time caught on camera :)