Baby Photography | Amelia Turns 1

Happy 1st Birthday Amelia!

I first met Amelia's mum and dad for their Maternity Session over a year ago.  The thing I remember most about their Maternity Session was the amount of discussion that went on about what they were going to call her!

I then went back a few weeks later and met baby Amelia (good choice!)

Where better to start than with the little chair that she got for her birthday.  In typical 1 year old fashion that of course means climbing on and nearly falling off of it many times. 


Window light is the most beautiful kind!

The thing I love about the bed photos is the fact that we got Maternity photos in this exact spot.  The perfect way to show how life has changed over the last year. 


These types of colourful wall murals are so popular right now and I absolutely love them.  I LOVE colour in photos, specially with older babies.


I love this photo <3

Gorgeous light coming in from the windows, the way she's looking up at her birthday balloon - love it!  There's just someone about it black and white that I adore. 

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