13 Fun Photo Activities for Kids

13 Fun Photo Activities for Kids
  1. Create a time lapse video - It’s much easier than it sounds I promise. All you need is something simple to move (like a toy) and an app on your phone. You can find a blog post about it Here.

  2. A photo scavenger hunt - Get them searching high and low around the house for certain items. This is a great way to teach them colours and letters without realising they’re learning. You can download an Indoor Scavenger Hunt List Here.

  3. A photo a day challenge - Get them to tell you why they chose to photograph what they did each day.

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Becki Williams Photography Turns 5!

Becki Williams Photography Turns 5!

Today, Becki Williams Photography turns 5!

Thank you to everyone who has ever booked me as their photographer, whether that was in year 1 or year 5. Thank you for every review left, every Facebook post like and for anyone who has shared my work with their friends and family.

Word of mouth is the BEST form of advertising and the only people I have to thank for that is all of you. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Creative Newborn Photos Hemel Hempstead | Jamie

Creative Newborn Photos Hemel Hempstead | Jamie

Jamie and his family came to me from Stevenage for his Newborn Photos.

I first met them back in 2016 when I photographed his big brother so it was really great to see them all again.

Jamie wasn’t too interested in sleeping that day but we did get a few sleep moments, starting with his cuddles with his adorable big brother.

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