Baby Photography | Luton | The Adventures of Isla

December 2015 - The Newborn Newness

And yet again, one of the My First Year packages comes to and end!

I can't believe that it was all the way back in December 2015 that I first met Isla and her family.  A couple of weeks before Christmas I set up my mobile newborn studio in their house in Luton and captured Isla in all her newness. 
Check out that gorgeous face and those chubby little arms!


June 2016 - The Personality

6 months later it was time to re-visit and see just how much this little monkey had grown.  
She had developed a cheeky little personality, a gorgeous smile and could jjuusssttt about sit all by herself...most of the time...


April 2017 - The Adventure

Life as a 1 year old is one big adventure.  Every door must be opened, every stair climbed and every raised surface fallen off of.   It's a time of constant curiosity. 

It is also a time of throwing routine out the window whenever you fancy it, which is what happened in Isla's case.  
We planned her session around her nap time but she decided she just didn't fancy having a nap that day. 

Their conservatory gets great light so that's where we started.  She was a little hesitant to start so mummy and daddy stayed close by. 
She had some tickles, read some books to her dolly and then decided she'd had enough inside, so into the garden we went!

1 year old cuddles mum on sofa for photography shoot
1 year old leans on sofa for photography shoot

Most babies have a toy that they've clung to ever since they were tiny and I love including it in the session - whether it's pristine and clean or has been dragged around the block a few times. 
It's the perfect way to show just how much and how fast they are growing. 

These four images are my favourite little compilation from the whole shoot. You can just tell how much love she has for this bunny!

1 year old cuddles pink bunny in the garden.  hemel hempstead photography
1 year old cuddles pink bunny in the garden.  hemel hempstead photography
1 year old cuddles pink bunny in the garden.  hemel hempstead photography
1 year old cuddles pink bunny in the garden.  hemel hempstead photography

Her parent's wanted some nice relaxed family pictures so we had some cuddles in the garden and went on an easter egg hunt.

family cuddles with a 1 year old in the garden in luton. Hemel Hempstead photography
family photography in the garden in luton
1 year old holding easter basket for photography shoot in luton

Cots are amazing for babies who have mastered the art of standing.  They're full of bars to hold onto for extra support and also keep the little wrigglers in one spot!
Using the cot over all three sessions is another way to show just how much they've grown over the last year. 
They're great for peek-a-boo, blancing and the passing things through the slats game. 

1 year old laughing in her cot in luton
1 year old girl in her nursery in luton
1 year old girl playing in her nursery in luton

By the end of the session Isla was loving the camera.  She was constantly crawling towards it and finding everything quite hilarious. 

family sitting on their bed in luton

One of the dangers of introducing a new toy into the photo shoot is sometimes they don't want to let it go - ever. 
We attempted to hide these eggs so many times but there was no fooling her.  She knew where they were and she 100% wanted them back!

family playing on their bed in luton for photography shoot
family playing on their bed in luton for photography shoot
family playing on their bed in luton for photography shoot
1 year old looking out the window with her mum
1 year old playing peek-a-boo with her dad behind her bed

At the end of the session I got a lovely little wave goodbye (is there anything cuter than a 1 year olds little wave?!)  I left Isla and her family to go on a little walk and hopefully it was finally time for a nap. 

I have LOVED doing a My First Year package for this family and I really hope I captured lots of little memories for them to look back on as Isla grows up. 

Baby Photography Luton

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