A Beginners Guide to Backing up Your Photos

A Beginners Guide to Backing up Your Photos

If your phone died right now, how gutted would you be?  How about your computer?  How many photos would you lose?

Not a nice feeling is it?

You never think it's going to happen to you until the day it does (oh yes, I've been there) and before you know it your stomach is in your throat and your photos possibly gone for good.

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My Top 3 Pancake Recipes

My Top 3 Pancake Recipes

It's been a struggle.  it's been a tough, tough task.  But over the last few days I've been trialling a few different pancake recipes to see which ones are the best.
Don't say I never do anything for you.

Below I have listed the ingredients, method and my verdict on three different pancake recipes:

  1. BBC Fluffy American Pancakes
  2. Jamie Oliver's One-Cup Pancakes
  3. Delia Online Basic Pancakes
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Top Baby Shows & Nearly New Sales 2018

Top Baby Shows & Nearly New Sales 2018

Looking for the Top Baby Shows in and around Hertfordshire?  You're in the right place!

Trade shows are a right of passage to all the major events of your life.  Getting Married? Trade show!  Building a house?  Trade show! Having a baby?  Trade show!  I just googled and yes, there is in fact such a thing as a Funeral trade show.

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Exercising After Having a Baby - 6 Top Tips

Exercising After Having a Baby - 6 Top Tips

After having a baby it can be tough to get back into an old fitness routine, and even tougher to start a new one.  Your body and mind have been through a lot and you need to give them time to heal.

It may not always feel like it, but exercise in what ever form you choose, may be the perfect way to boost your energy.
You may be doing it for the physical reasons but the mental side is just as important. 
Exercise can prevent or aid the recovery from post natal depression and if nothing else, can give you a little break from the baby mayhem to focus on yourself. 

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Exercising While Pregnant - 14 Top Tips

Exercising While Pregnant - 14 Top Tips

Whether you have always exercised or are only just starting now, exercising in pregnancy can be extremely beneficial. It may not be the time to run a marathon or start rock climbing, but if you're otherwise fit and healthy, don’t assume you’re restricted to just a walk around the block.

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Embracing Your Post Baby Body

Embracing Your Post Baby Body

Let's face it, the internet can be the perfect place to go when you want to feel bad about yourself after having a baby.

You're surrounded by stories of women who have 'bounced back' to their original figures (or even improved them) and probably even went for a 5 mile run 3 days after giving birth.

But let's have a reality check.  You just grew a baby.  You literally just performed a miracle, right there in your uterus.  Look at your tiny human and be proud. 

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Baby Halloween Costumes: The Cutest in the Supermarkets!

Baby Halloween Costumes: The Cutest in the Supermarkets!

There's nothing quite like halloween for an excuse to dress your baby up in something ridiculously cute.  

(If you feel like you don't need an excuse, high five to you, my sentiments exactly)

If you're not the type of person to spend hours sticking and appliquéing (see, I did remember something from GCSE Textiles) then check out these options that you can pick up during your weekly shop.

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14 Must Haves when baby proofing your home!

14 Must Haves when baby proofing your home!

Ah, that special moment after weeks of encouragement when your little one starts to move around the house by themselves - a little uncoordinated and cute at first but then suddenly, those arms and legs are propelling them at the speed of light.

It is soon after this joy and love for their accomplishment that you realise just how many pointy edges and slammable doors there are around the house. 

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Baby Safety Month | Baby First Aid Courses in Hertfordshire

Baby Safety Month | Baby First Aid Courses in Hertfordshire

September is Baby Safety Month, which is a great reminder to make sure your knowledge is up to scratch should you ever need to save a child's life. 

It is easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of choice there is but remember;

Any course is better than no course at all. 

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Top Mummy YouTubers & Why You Should Watch Them!

Top Mummy YouTubers & Why You Should Watch Them!

Beside the usual cat videos, over the last few years the world has been taken by storm by children watching other children open and play with toys, adults acting out scenes with toys (yes, this is apparently acceptable) and tweenagers falling in love with YouTubers just like we did with pop stars.

If you think youtube is just for children and weirdoes though, you are very wrong!

Mum (and dad!) vloggers are taking to YouTube in force, sharing the ups and downs of pregnancy, children and family life. 

And when I say ups and downs, I mean it.  

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A Bright & Colourful Nursery - Inspiration & Ideas

A Bright & Colourful Nursery - Inspiration & Ideas

Deciding what theme, colours and designs you'd like for your new baby's nursery is an incredibly exciting (if a little daunting...) process.  The world of colour, pattern and design is your oyster. 

If you've chosen to go the colourful route - high five to you!  I think colourful nursery's give the impression of a really fun and happy space to grow up. 

I hope this blog post fills you with inspiration and helps designing your new baby's room that little bit easier. 

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Why you should go and buy yourself some flowers - right now!

Why you should go and buy yourself some flowers - right now!

Today, just before the self service tills in Woodhall Farm Sainsburys, I did it.  

I bought myself flowers. 

There is no special occasion or special reason, I just think they are pretty and I think they will bring me joy (Hello Marie Kondo fans)

Even while I was buying them though I felt a bit of guilt.  Spending money on things you don't need can be tough. 

But that soon vanished when the shop assistant spoke to me.  She asked me if I wanted the price taken off the flowers.

I was almost apologetic with my reply when I told her that actually they were for me so it didn't matter.

And her reply?

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Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

I love days like Mother's Day.  I know some people think they are just ways of making us spend more money, blah blah blah, but I think they are the perfect little reminders to show people in our life how much we appreciate them. 
Yes, in an ideal world we would show them every single day but you know as well as I do that life happens and before you know it it's weeks since you've given your mum an extra long or tight hug. 

That doesn't make choosing a gift any easier though. 
It's only 3 months since Christmas and in my case only 2 months since mum's birthday so present ideas are running thin. 

Homemade or shop bought?  Small token gift or flashy show of love?  I've put together a list of my top picks from home made crafts, local businesses, online, high street finds and pure extravagance.

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Top Baby Shows in the UK 2017

Top Baby Shows in the UK 2017

Looking for the Top Baby Shows in and around Hertfordshire?  You're in the right place!

Trade shows are a right of passage to all the major events of your life.  Getting Married? Trade show!  Building a house?  Trade show! Having a baby?  Trade show!  I just googled and yes, there is in fact such a thing as a Funeral trade show.

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