2018 Photo Project | April

I feel like I've failed the Photo Project twice over this month. 

Firstly, I'm late writing it and secondly I've hardly taken any photos. 

But then I have to remind myself that this is for fun, it's not possible to fail and just include what I have taken (who am I kidding I still feel like I've failed!)

A recurring theme over the months has definitely been landscapes and flowers so far.  Maybe because it's the opposite of what I usually photograph, maybe because they are always around me or maybe it's just because they are pretty!

This month we've had bluebells, blossom, April showers and days where the moon decided to stay awake during the day.

I challenge myself to pick my main camera up again in May rather then relying on my phone so much.  The sun is shining and the days are longer so there really is no excuse!