2018 Photo Project | Jan - Dec

2018 Photo Project | Jan - Dec

The year is complete and so is the 2018 Photo Project!

I cannot believe I made it a whole year. Seriously. I went into this project full of doubt, thinking that maybe i’ll just last a few months and give up. But here I am. 12 months worth of photos from the last year.

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2018 Photo Project | November

2018 Photo Project | November

I haven’t started looking through this months photos yet and I’m a little nervous that there may not really be any.
November is always such a busy month here and being busy with shoots means I don’t really find the the time to take photos for myself.

But let’s see hey? Let me dive into this month’s camera roll and see what I find.

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2018 Photo Project | September

2018 Photo Project | September

Now, I’m not going to lie - I’m actually writing this quite a way into October.

To be honest I’m quite impressed that I’ve made it all the way to October before a Photo Project blog was late.
But, wait - why does the blog date say early October? Well that my friend is blog, computer magic (or cheating…you know…one of the two!)

Now excuse me while I go back and remember what I actually did in September!

Ah yes, Rome!

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2018 Photo Project | August

2018 Photo Project | August

What an amazing Summer!

I could not get enough of the sunshine. Yes, there were a couple of days I may have had a little complain but on the whole I'm pretty sad to see it go. 
Time to dig out those jumpers and boots and snuggle in our dressing gowns as the darker nights creep in the the arguments about whether it's cold enough to put the heating on yet begin. 

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2018 Photo Project | July

2018 Photo Project | July

Whew it's been hot this month!

And no, don't worry, I'm not complaining. 

For the most part I've actually really enjoyed it.  There were just a couple of days where it got a bit much.  Those ones where walking from Sainsbury's to the car felt like a 2 minute stint inside an oven. 

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2018 Photo Project | June

2018 Photo Project | June

What amazing weather we've had this month!

Yes, I'm aware it's very British to talk about the weather, but this June it really feels like something that should be mentioned.  Spring was amazing and with the record high temperatures we're currently having it looks like Summer is heading that way as well. 

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2018 Photo Project | March

2018 Photo Project | March

Ok so technically it's pretty grim outdoors but can we finally celebrate the fact that Spring is here now?

Yes ok it is pouring today, and yes ok there is more snow forecast in some places over Easter but yesterday - yesterday it was lovely and sunny!  We're not blessed with a whole bunch of sunny days in grand old Hemel Hempstead so lets not forget the ones we do have!

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2018 Photo Project | February

2018 Photo Project | February

I always feel February is such a wintery month. 

The sun is low, the mornings frosty and we generally get at least a dusting of snow.  Walking the dog is a daily soggy and muddy mission and the days working from home are spent 'discussing' with my husband whether the heating needs to be on or not.

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