2018 Photo Project | February

I always feel February is such a wintery month. 

The sun is low, the mornings frosty and we generally get at least a dusting of snow.  Walking the dog is a daily soggy and muddy mission and the days working from home are spent 'discussing' with my husband whether the heating needs to be on or not.

At the same time though, we get a little glimpse that maybe, just perhaps, Spring is on the way.  The days are finally getting longer (wahoo!), the snow drops are out in force and the daffodil leaves have started to appear. 

So what have been the highlights of this month?

It's the month of my mum & my husband's birthday, which means it's time for our annual trip to The Waffle House in St Albans. Ice cream waffle with chocolate sauce please, and no, I don't care it's 9:30am.

I ate more pancakes than I care to admit due to the blog post I wrote about the best recipes.  I left it quite late to write it, which meant I had to eat pancakes every day for week.  The winners were the BBC Fluffy American Pancakes, which you can find the recipe for Here.

There is of course also Valentines.  We don't celebrate it loads but we do buy cards and I was lucky enough to receive some flowers and Dairy Milk.  You'll notice there is no picture of the Dairy Milk;  It was gone way to quick for that!

Other big events this month have included the Space X Falcon Heavy Launch (can anyone else believe how amazing those two boosters looked when they landed and the fact there is now a 'Starman' driving a Tesla in space?) and of course the Winter Olympics. 

I blimmin' love the Olympics, winter or summer.  Considering I don't follow sport any other time of year, the Olympics dominate my life during the time they are on air. 
I have the schedule bookmarked and every episode set to record so I don't have to miss a thing.

The curling, the snowboarding, the skating - I just love it all!

So what's happening in March?

March is going to be a busy one!  I've got a good mixture of newborns booked in and time off (wahoo!) and I'm kicking the month off with a macaron making masterclass in Luton and then a trip to the Spa in Milton Keynes!
Not a bad start!
