2018 Photo Project | October

I don’t think any previous months images could be split quite so clearly down the middle.

At the beginning of the month we were enjoying a nice warm Autumn and I was loving being able to wear my cosy, warm jumpers again.
Next I headed off to Majorca where we got treated to everything from bright blue skies all the way to impressive thunder storms causing power cuts in the hotel.

Coming back home, Autumn was in full swing and the colours were at their finest. And don’t you dare go out without a coat anymore unless you want to freeze to death.

I’m not so mad at the cold weather yet. Walking the dog in the rain doesn’t fill me with dread - ask me in a month or so and I may have changed me mind though.

For now Autumn/Winter, I’m happy you’re here. Which is lucky really because I don’t think I really have a say in the matter!

So what will November bring?

Well, looking my calendar it’s a very busy one work wise. I have a nice pile of October editing to do and I am fully booked with shoots.

I’m not sure what a month of shoots and sitting at my desk will mean Photo Project wise but I guess we shall see!