Newborn Photography Props - Blankets, Bowls, Bonnets & Beyond

When it comes to your Newborn Photo Shoot I have everything you need.

Years of hard work ( has resulted in a large selection of blankets, wraps, hats, headbands and props as well as all the 'behind the scenes' items that make your newborn shoot run smoothly.

Tailoring your Newborn Shoot to what you love

When you first book your photo shoot you will receive a questionnaire where you can tell me everything you want from your shoot.  

  • Who is going to be in your photos? 
  • Do you like headbands, hats, small props, large props etc?
  • Are there any certain colours or themes you like?
  • Do you have any hobbies or interests that you'd like to feature?
  • Do you have any other preferences when it comes to getting images you love?

Some people choose to leave it up to me, some have a few requests and others have an in depth vision of how they want their images to look - either way is fine!

Left up to me, newborn photo shoots are kept to quite neutral colours with little pops of colour by using wraps and little props, like teddies.  I keep posing very simple (on tummy is my favourite) and use a mixture of plainer blankets and fluffy blankets on the beanbag.

Here are all the important elements that make up your Newborn Photo Shoot:

Posing Beanbag

This thing here is the epicentre of the entire newborn shoot.  It's a purpose made beanbag, created just the right size and the right support for newborns to be comfy, as well as to help with any posing.
If a baby isn't in a bowl or a crate, this is my workhorse and i'd be lost without it!

Newborn posing beanbag on a cream seamless paper backdrop
Newborn posing beanbag on a cream seamless paper backdrop


The next most important part of any photo shoot are the blankets that your little babies lay on. 
I have a lovely selection of neutral coloured blankets which I purchase from either the high street, haberdasheries or specialist newborn photography online shops.
During your shoot I place a waterproof mat between each blanket so that if one gets wee'd or poo'd on (happen's nearly every shoot!) I can quickly remove the top layer and carry on like nothing happened. 
(**side note.  I have spare clothes ready for a similar reason!)


This is where you can choose to add a little more colour to your images.
All these wraps are extremely versatile and can be used as little blankets, swaddles, or simply to comfort your baby.   I have different colours, textures and patterns. 
Each shoot is customised to what you love.  If there is a colour I don't have that you'd like, I will always try and source it for you before your photo shoot. 
Whether you want neutral, pastel or bright, I'll work with you and the colours you picture in your perfect images. 

Newborn baby photography wraps in multiple colours

Hats & Bonnets

Can you tell I like neutrals!?  Don't worry, I do have colour as well but these are my favourites - and I'm all set for twins! 
Not everyone likes hats so let me know on your booking questionnaire and I'll have them ready.


I find headbands are the marmite of the newborn photography world.  You either love them or your hate them. 
The type of headbands I use are very simple so that they don't take the attention off of your baby.  I'm a big fan of twine and very small simple bows. 
Even if you do decide to use headbands in your photo shoot, I always get a good mixture of images with and without them.  That way when you look through your gallery you can decide which you like more. 

Small Props

Smalls props include things like little teddies for your baby to hold or to cuddle up to in a prop.  Some people bring their own little teddies from home and others like to use one of mine. 

Large Props

Most of my photography is done on my beanbag but I do have a few larger props.
Each prop is frequently checked for any cracks, is lined with soft cushioning, and if needed is weight balanced to make sure your little one is safe. 
In some instances I may have you sit just out of shot so someone is always close by.  I may even ask you to keep your hand on your baby and I will remove it in the edit. 
If you like this type of set up, it's the perfect way to get a bit more variety to choose from. 

All those little extras

There is a lot of other equipment, big and small that you might not realise goes into setting up for a newborn photo shoot. 

Newborn baby photography equipment includes waterproof mats, babyshusher, water wipes, hand sanitiser and more
  • A temperature controlled Dyson heater to ensure your baby stays nice and warm while they are naked (and a spare thermometer to make doubly sure)
  • Waterproof pee mats, hand sanitiser, muslins and wipes
  • My main camera and a spare, just in case
  • Off camera flash which creates the most beautiful soft light
  • A special newborn photography stand to hold the blankets in place
  • A stand for the paper backdrops for parent images
  • The paper for that stand
  • A faux wooden floor (used above)
  • Towels to aid posing
  • Wooden chairs and stools for big brothers and sisters to sit and stand on

and much more...

All you need to bring when you come for your Newborn Photo Shoot is yourself and your baby - leave the rest up to me!

Let me know your loves and loathes in advance and I will create beautiful images for you to treasure, while you sit back and relax (napping optional!)

newborn baby boy lays asleep on his tummy on a grey background

If you're yet to book your Newborn Photo Shoot