2018 Photo Project | March

2018 Photo Project | March

Ok so technically it's pretty grim outdoors but can we finally celebrate the fact that Spring is here now?

Yes ok it is pouring today, and yes ok there is more snow forecast in some places over Easter but yesterday - yesterday it was lovely and sunny!  We're not blessed with a whole bunch of sunny days in grand old Hemel Hempstead so lets not forget the ones we do have!

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2018 Photo Project | February

2018 Photo Project | February

I always feel February is such a wintery month. 

The sun is low, the mornings frosty and we generally get at least a dusting of snow.  Walking the dog is a daily soggy and muddy mission and the days working from home are spent 'discussing' with my husband whether the heating needs to be on or not.

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2018 Photo Project | January

2018 Photo Project | January

This year, one of my goals is to start taking photos for fun again, rather than just for work.

It's been so long since I have taken photos for myself that I didn't even know if I'd enjoy just photographing every day life anymore.  As it happens I had nothing to worry about because I loved it.

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My fitness journey - Sweating happy!

My fitness journey - Sweating happy!

I was the child that came last at cross country in school.  

Actually, to be fair to myself, I was third from last.  The child with asthma and the child that wasn't trying came behind me.
I missed the ball in rounders, my passes in hockey were pitiful, I wasn't strong enough to get on the trampoline, let alone brave enough to do a seat drop and I liked being Goal Defence in netball so I didn't have to do as much catching (or in my case, missing).
One year my sports day team captain put me down to run the 800 meters. 
What did I do?  I paid a girl in my class £4 to run it for me. 

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2018 Photo Project

2018 Photo Project

Before I was a professional photographer, a month wouldn't go past without me picking up my camera for fun. 

Whether I was going on holiday or just heading out to see what I could find, I enjoyed the freedom of photographing whatever I wanted without any pressure if I came home with nothing usable.

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My 6 New Years Resolutions

My 6 New Years Resolutions

To some people, New Years Resolutions are a waste of time.

Don't get me wrong, I know where they are coming from.  Why do we need a specific date to make big changes in our lives?  Why not make that change today?  Why change anything at all?

But at the same time, I love the feeling of having a 'fresh start'. 

Part of my love of New Years Resolutions comes from my love of setting myself tasks.  There is nothing more satisfying than crossing something you've accomplished off of a list.

My resolutions are nothing groundbreaking - in fact some of them are downright predictable but I'm excited to start working on them already.

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Becoming a Photographer - My Journey

Becoming a Photographer - My Journey

I meet new people weekly.  I get to know them and I watch their family grow.

I get to capture moments in time that families can look back on and enjoy forever. 

I cuddle newborns, I sing with babies, I make tea for tired and emotional mums. 

I get to edit in my pyjamas! 

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Spring Maternity Photo Shoots | Hemel Hempstead

Spring Maternity Photo Shoots | Hemel Hempstead

Spring is one of my favourite times of year for outdoor photo shoots. 

After dreaming of being able to wear boots for so long, the longing for summer shoes returns along with the earning for longer days and the smell of cut grass.  The sun starts to make a few more appearances and going out without a coat for the first time this year becomes an event. 

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Take The Picture - Photographing Your Family | Hemel Hempstead

Take The Picture - Photographing Your Family | Hemel Hempstead

Every Wednesday I have the very important job of collecting my niece Rosie from school. 
It generally involves a trip to Sainsburys for some kind of snack or magazine and then home to watch The Worst Witch and pretend we work in a cafe/school/dance academy. 
She quite happily spends the couple of hours we have together jumping around my house, flinging herself off of furniture with one main rule - Don't Hurt Yourself!

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